I finally have time to sit down and breath just in time to start gearing up for my June departure to Africa for service in the Peace Corps.I already sent out graduation announcement, but those were rather last minute,and to be quite honest, I was more excited to announce my Peace Corps plans.
My sister turned me on to these "do-it-yourself" wedding invitation kits that are pretty much perfect for anything that requires announcing something to large groups of people.
I plan on printing the following message on the stationary,and having everything mailed out by no later than Wednesday:
"On Saturday May 1, 2010, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Florida. Go Gators!...
On Monday May 3, 2010, I spoke with my placement officer from the Peace Corps and I was told to expect an invitation to serve…
On Saturday May 8, 2010, I opened my invitation to serve in the Peace Corps as a Community Education and Development Outreach Agent in the West African country of Burkina Faso…
And on June 23, 2010, I will be en route to Africa to begin my service in the Peace Corps!
I want to thank my parents, Philip and Linda Bell, my sister Lindsay and all of my family and friends for their support and encouragement over the last four years. I want to especially thank God for ordering my steps and guiding me through this chapter of my life.
Words cannot express how happy I am to announce my graduation and service in the Peace Corps and how excited I am to start documenting it!
FIND OUT MORE AT: thatguyinthepeacecorps.blogspot.com
Ebben Wiley Bell"
I plan on printing my announcement as a portrait and using the spots for RSVP's as a place to put photos from graduation and me opening my Peace Corps invitation.
I also know that I need to start working on French more,so don't be surprised if you start seeing more French slipping into my post.
Well, it's off to bed for me guys,but I have a few post in the works that I need to finish up, so get excited to see those on BOTH my blogs.
Take care y'all,
Ebben Wiley
Sources: target.com
WoOt!! (: