My good friend Melissa Elizabeth came through again for me--this time for a member on the board I sit on. Check out her "postcard" for the event.

Sources: Melissa Elizabeth Designs
Many times I find myself asking this question. After asking myself and countless others this question for the majority of my time at college, I have determined that no one knows better than I, what I am doing with my life. Although I believe I will never be able to truly answer this question in its entirety, the act of blogging will allow me to track what I am doing IN my life which will hopefully help me in figuring out what I am doing WITH my life.
Although I appreciate the reference in your post, I did not give you permission to use my copyrighted name. I would prefer you refer to me as Mr. Chill. If you would like to start using my first name, please contact me via e-mail at
Mad Chill